Hassan Matrouchi
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Hassan Matrouchi
الشاعر العُماني حسن المطروشي /
Translated by Nizar Saratwi
ترجمة نزار سرطاوي
I might mean
or not mean
what I utter
whenever I say: do come with me
that we may commit our dreams
like two accursed gods
,who prowl the wilderness
I’m taken by the lightness of a child
and I invite my orphaned look-alikes
to celebrate like schoolboys
the Mother’s Day
the sparrows would crowd on my door
and the seasons visit me
So many skies have farewelled me
traveling alone and with my names
towards those eyes of yours
and I was to reach
Come with me
this door is open
on a mulatto sea
Take me now to recover
what my great grandfathers left
,upon the scorching heat: spirited steeds
,prophecies, vengeance, languages, commandments
,wars, women in captivity
paths, cameleer songs, and mounts
my heart was naught
but a primitive herb
that ibexes chewed
shepherds’ pipes
You are the doubts of those who reach
Hide me in the cardinal points
a sign
for inquirers
I am the utterance of beings
In the songs of the departees
Be it that I
have poured the night a bottle of tunes
on the ground
and beckoned: Pass on
Be it that I
,was the one who pinched the laugh in your sleep
,that your sleep may escape from its idiotic years
None is there above my shadow but I
sitting at the end of the world like a pirate
!calling you: Look
Be it that I
conspired against the almanac of genesis
and cancelled the all calendars
lest you grow up
I am not but a messenger
I might mean
or not mean
what I utter
Translated by Nizar Saratwi
ترجمة نزار سرطاوي
I might mean
or not mean
what I utter
whenever I say: do come with me
that we may commit our dreams
like two accursed gods
,who prowl the wilderness
I’m taken by the lightness of a child
and I invite my orphaned look-alikes
to celebrate like schoolboys
the Mother’s Day
the sparrows would crowd on my door
and the seasons visit me
So many skies have farewelled me
traveling alone and with my names
towards those eyes of yours
and I was to reach
Come with me
this door is open
on a mulatto sea
Take me now to recover
what my great grandfathers left
,upon the scorching heat: spirited steeds
,prophecies, vengeance, languages, commandments
,wars, women in captivity
paths, cameleer songs, and mounts
my heart was naught
but a primitive herb
that ibexes chewed
shepherds’ pipes
You are the doubts of those who reach
Hide me in the cardinal points
a sign
for inquirers
I am the utterance of beings
In the songs of the departees
Be it that I
have poured the night a bottle of tunes
on the ground
and beckoned: Pass on
Be it that I
,was the one who pinched the laugh in your sleep
,that your sleep may escape from its idiotic years
None is there above my shadow but I
sitting at the end of the world like a pirate
!calling you: Look
Be it that I
conspired against the almanac of genesis
and cancelled the all calendars
lest you grow up
I am not but a messenger
I might mean
or not mean
what I utter
Hassan Matrouchi
لِئلّا تَكْبُري
الشاعر العُماني حسن المطروشي
رُبَّما أعْني
ولا أعْني تمامًا
ما أقولُ
بَيْدَ أني
كلما قُلْتُ: اصْحَبيني
نَرْتَكِبْ أحْلامَنا
مِثْلَ إلهَيْنِ رَجيمَيْنِ
يَجُوسانِ البراري،
أَدْرَكَتْني خِفَّةُ الطفْلِ،
فأدْعو كُلَّ أشْباهي اليتامى
لِاحْتِفالي كالتلاميذِ
بِعيدِ الأُمِّ،
واكْتَظَّتْ على بابي العصافيرُ،
وزارَتْني الفُصولُ
كَمْ سماءً شَيَّعَتْني
راحِلاً وحْدي بِأسْمائي
إلى عينيكِ هاتَيْنِ
وأفْناني الوُصولُ
إنَّ هذا البابَ مَفْتوحٌ
على بَحْرٍ خُلاسيٍّ،
خُذيني أَسْتَرِدَّ الآنَ
ما خَلَّفَ أجدادي القَصِيُّونَ
على الرمْضاءِ مِنْ خَيْلٍ عِتاقٍ
ونبوءاتٍ وثَأْرٍ ولُغاتٍ ووصايا
وحُروبٍ وسَبايا
ودُروبٍ وحِداءٍ ومَطايا
لَمْ يَكُنْ قلبي
سِوى عُشْبٍ بِدائيٍّ
ولاكَتْهُ الوُعولُ
يا مَزاميرَ الرُّعاةْ
يا شُكوكَ الواصِلينْ
خَبِّئيني في الجِهاتْ
شَارَةً للسائلينْ
أنا نُطْقُ الكائناتْ
في أغاني الراحلينْ
لِيَكُنْ أني
سَكَبْتُ الليلَ قارورةَ أنغامٍ
على الأرضِ
وأوْمَأْتُ: اعْبُري
لِيَكُنْ أني أنا
مَنْ سَرَقَ الضحْكَةَ في نَوْمِكِ،
كَيْ يَنْجُوَ مِنْ أَعوامِهِ البلْهاءِ،
ما ثَمَّ على ظِلّي سِوايَ،
جالِساً في طَرَفِ الدنيا كَقُرْصانٍ
أُناديكِ: انْظُري
لِيَكُنْ أني
تَآمَرْتُ على رُوزنامَةِ الخَلْقِ
وأَلْغَيْتُ التقاويمَ
لِئلّا تَكْبُري
ما أنا إلا رسولُ
رُبَّما أعْني
ولا أعْني تَمامًا
ما أقولُ
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